
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stuff you'd like to do

1. go to maple wood meats
2. watch a movie
3. talk in a group dicussion thats related to watever we are talking about

my weakness in english is writing long papers

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Claymation Project

The process of the claymation prooject was first read the book "The Contender" second we made some clay dudes the resemble the characters in the book. Third we thought about what scene to go off from and we decided the fighting scene. Fourth we made a mini boxing ring and it was pretty cool too. finially we got a good camera and started to act out the scene with the clay.

My role in this production was being the director, and I think I did it well I made sure every shot was an awesome shot and I listened to other peoples idea's about the production and made those idea's work in the claymation. Overall great director

I learned a lot from teamwork, I learned that the more people you have doing stuff the faster and smoother things turn out to be. Good job everyone that worked on this.

I would like to do the project like this again it was a great experience working with others.

If I could do this over again I wouldn't do anything differently it worked out great we had a successful team project

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Contender

If I was Alfred Brooks I would just stick with working and boxing and not worry anymore on bad people. And I think he made some bad choices because he's hanging out with bad people

Monday, January 11, 2010

new semester

My goal for next semester is to get a C average and work hard and have fun.

Monday, January 4, 2010

winter break

I pretty much just hung out with my family and got to watch the paper view of ufc it wasn't bad and thats it.